Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blog #12
My blogging experience was really cool and interesting because I’ve never done blogging before and I’ve completed almost 10 of the blogs even though it was not always on time. This experience was very different and challenging to me because I had to get my blog posted before the deadline on Tuesday at 8 am but that deadline helped me complete each one of my blog.

1. I believe working with the blog was very easy to me because I get to express how I feel about certain issues or a specific topic which I never did before it was kind of weird doing the blogs but at the same time kind of interesting and fun. The technology never messed up on me at any point and the important part and the fun part of all this is that I get to express my feelings freely without anyone telling me what to do.

2. Writing each entry was painless to me because I already had access to a computer all that was left to do is brainstorming my ideas. I thought writing 250 words would be hard and I guess I was worried about coming up with so much information to put in my blog but when I started typing all the ideas just came naturally.

3. I guess sometimes it was difficult to meet the deadline if we didn't do the blog earlier and we waited the last minute which was Monday then it was easier to forget on that day so I would say it was kind of difficult. I don’t think the comments was difficult because you allow us to do it the first 10 to 15 minutes of class so I guess that did help. No, I don’t think there would be a better way to set up a deadline. I definitely think there should be a deadline because it gives you more motivation to do the blogs.

4. I thought it was fun reading other classmates blogs and what they wrote was very interesting I guess i learn a lot from my classmates and their great blogs. Actually I didn’t really learn anything special just that there are really great blogs that our classmates wrote and there blogs were very interesting. I believe the comments were very useful and helpful, also it encourage me more to write and see what my classmates would think of my blog.

5. In eng 101, 102, and 103 I did a lot of writing but this blogging beats it off because it makes it worth writing about and we really had some interesting topics to write about.

6. I don’t know if I would keep on blogging by myself because without knowing what to write about and without any deadlines I guess laziness would kick in. But I’ll try to do it once in awhile just so I could feel free like writing in a journal having my own little space.
Blog#10 and 11 are the same

HOSE NOSE CANDY is one of the dumbest (and grossest) candies I have ever seen. It's a plastic nose filled with -- there's no other way to say this -- liquid, candy snot.
Now, that alone makes it a Stupid Candy. But Hose Nose Candy takes it much FURTHER...The nose has straps in each side and an indented area on the inside of the nose. So you're actually able to strap the thing over your ears and WEAR IT over your real nose.You eat the candy by unplugging the nostril and squeezing the liquid candy snot onto your outstretched tongue.

Bugs are probably the last thing on this entire earth that you want your kids picking up and eating. The Cockroach Bites look just like real cockroaches, so this candy can truly creep you out. I found that the crunchy outer layer to this candy is the most disturbing, because it makes you feel like you're actually eating a big crunchy bug. How gross is that? The only thing missing is this little treat scuttling across flat surfaces and hiding in the dark corners of your home. Yuck!

The Fetus Cookie Cutter comes in a clear plastic box with a photo of a fetus cookie behind the cutter. We THINK it is stainless steel, though it might be aluminum. That's right -- you can now bake cookies that look like little fetuses. According to our vast knowledge of the human reproductive process, the cookies are shaped like fetuses approximately 4 months along on their journey.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Rattle snake for a christmas gift. But, does it get any stranger than giving real, living animals? Even though the holidays can be a lonely time for many, some people may not want this much company.

This elmo gift shouldn't be available to kids i dont even understand why the stores sells it and why people even buy it for their kids. Anyways i think this elmo probably used an awful lot of batteries and battery contains mercury which is very harmful for our environment. If you dont discard the battery properly it can cause danger to ourselves and the plants and animals around us.

Cactus teddy bear. Why would someone buy a cactus teddy bear for a child is beyond me. That's the worst gift someone could give a child. i just can't believe department stores sell these stuff its just ridiculous and we are the people who are stupid enough to go out and waste our money on things that are not even worth buying. We should use our money wisely than go and waste it on a piece of junk.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My 100% recycleable notebook that i use for class.