HOSE NOSE CANDY is one of the dumbest (and grossest) candies I have ever seen. It's a plastic nose filled with -- there's no other way to say this -- liquid, candy snot.
Now, that alone makes it a Stupid Candy. But Hose Nose Candy takes it much FURTHER...The nose has straps in each side and an indented area on the inside of the nose. So you're actually able to strap the thing over your ears and WEAR IT over your real nose.You eat the candy by unplugging the nostril and squeezing the liquid candy snot onto your outstretched tongue.

Bugs are probably the last thing on this entire earth that you want your kids picking up and eating. The Cockroach Bites look just like real cockroaches, so this candy can truly creep you out. I found that the crunchy outer layer to this candy is the most disturbing, because it makes you feel like you're actually eating a big crunchy bug. How gross is that? The only thing missing is this little treat scuttling across flat surfaces and hiding in the dark corners of your home. Yuck!

The Fetus Cookie Cutter comes in a clear plastic box with a photo of a fetus cookie behind the cutter. We THINK it is stainless steel, though it might be aluminum. That's right -- you can now bake cookies that look like little fetuses. According to our vast knowledge of the human reproductive process, the cookies are shaped like fetuses approximately 4 months along on their journey.
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