Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog 1

What I did to help the environment?
While brainstorming I don’t think I do much for my environment because I am always on the computer wasting light. I take the train to school and work everyday but at least it saving fuel instead of polluting the air so much. I buy coffee everyday in a plastic foam cup which I could be making it in a class bottle and taking it to work. But I do recycle my cans and my bottles. I take out the garbage all the time in my house. I do take recycle bags to shop for my groceries at supermarket instead of using supermarket plastic bags so I definitely think that’s saving the environment. From now on I will try to do as much as I can for the enviroment to make tomorrow a greener environment a place where we can care for and enjoy living in our surroundings. I believe not only America but all over the world should start taking care of our environment by leading its people for a greener environment and therefore we can use it as an example to lead the world for a better place to live in. From the vending machines at school we have a whole bunch of plastic bottle we should be using bottle instead of damaging out environment with all those plastic bottle in vending machines.
By thinking about all this recycling I really don’t think I do much for my environment because I leave the water on when I brush my teeth in the morning and at night instead I could be saving water by turning the water off when I am brushing my teeth. If we don’t change our habit our own people are going to suffer the consequences. So please do whatever you can for the environment to make it as greener as our environment can be.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

So, think of one baby step--something relatively easy to do, and make yourself stick to it. Going slow makes any changes easier.