Monday, October 27, 2008

Blog #5 Consumerism and Waste.
Wow I never thought I would see such shocking pictures of wastes that we the consumer created.
According to Chris Jordan statement “ Collectively we are committing a vast and unsustainable act of taking, but we each are anonymous and no one is in charge or accountable for the consequences. I fear that in this process we are doing irreparable harm to our planet and to our individual spirits.”
“As an American consumer myself, I am in no position to finger wag; but I do know that when we reflect on a difficult question in the absence of an answer, our attention can turn inward, and in that space may exist the possibility of some evolution of thought or action.”
This statement is saying how we really have damage the environment of causing so much waste like Chris Jordan included in his artwork with those dolls, cell phones, and plastic bags that we tremendously waste. We the people are the ones that should be blame for all this because we always end up buying things we don’t need that’s very wasteful if a new cell phones comes out and even if we have one we will throw that away or put it aside just to go buy a new cell phone with different features. Like dolls for example our kids have plenty of dolls and if they see a new type of doll on tv that has a different kind of style they would cried for it and throw the old ones aside or garbage it and just to please them we will buy the newest dolls that comes out we really need to stop all this wastefulness and when we are finish with environment it would be such a mess and we will regret it so much. I believe we are the ones that needs to stop destroying our planet we are causing the global warming effects because we are the ones consuming to waste of the environment. Plus those plastic bags we use at grocery stores we need to start taking our own bags to shop with at supermarkets because all of those plastic bags are destroying our environment because when we are finish with them we just throw them in the garbage and sometimes we don’t even recycle them. I admit that I do that because I work in a supermarket and I am the ones that’s bagging your stuff which mostly people wants extra plastic bags so their grocery wouldn’t fall out but that’s terrible because we are the ones causing the ruins of our environment and polluting the air with our garbage.


Doctor X said...

I bet you that if supermarkets started charging for the bags a sizable sum, lots of people would suddenly "remember" to bring their own. It's only when we mak it conveninet to be lazy that we are...

Anonymous said...

Great Blog,

All that you quoted from Chris Jordan I strongly agreed with and related to. He couldn't have put it better, I love how he expresses his art and articulates what we all know is true.

Stephanie's Blog said...

That is right i think since chris jordon gets it as a photographer, we should get it as consumers and step up and help heal the earth with less waste. Good Blog!!!!

VIVIANA said...

Your blog is really nice.. I like the way you explained how we throw things away ehenever a new cellphone or dolls comes out to the market! It's ridiculous!!! I Think its really important to each and everyone of us to step up and do things to help our environment!! :)