Monday, October 13, 2008

Worst Aspect of Global Warming: Climate Change.
We are at a major point in our life where if we don't dramatically change our ways, then we won't be able to reverse the effects of climate change. Global Warming is a serious issue faced by the world today. I believe the most important global problem is the dramatic increase in temperature around the world. For example, such changing of high temperatures will cause the melting of glaciers leading to a shortage of water. The climate change will cause the extinction of species. I think global warming is very likely to come about unless we dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
I think you and I both know that humans have contributed to the extra abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We know this because we keep track of all the pollution we released. Climate change is occurring now, and is already affecting our natural environment, and our quality of life. But, there are solutions for addressing the crisis. We need business and government leaders at all levels to help adopt policies and practices now that will enable America to switch to energy sources with zero carbon emissions. By making this switch will generate millions of good American jobs, cut energy costs and protect the climate. We should act together to help America make the switch that will stop climate change. Re-powering America means that individuals, elected officials, and business and community leaders must take action to quickly switch to clean energy, curbing carbon emissions and helping to solve the climate challenge. The most important thing we can do to help fight climate change is:
At Home
Turn down the heat and air conditioning when you aren't home. Choose energy efficient appliances. Because they use less energy, energy star appliances like refrigerators can reduce carbon pollution, and have a big impact on your energy bill.
Warm up your home with insulation.
Change your home's air filters.
Switch to green power. It is likely that most of the electricity you use comes from non-renewable sources like coal. However, there are some utilities that will sell you climate-friendly electricity like wind, biomass, or solar if you ask for it.
Take public transportation. One of the best ways to reduce your impact on the climate is to take a public bus, subway or train instead of driving. Go ride a bike or take a walk. Not only is riding a bike or walking is a climate change it’s a friendly way to commute, it's good for your health, too. A large or fast change in climate will have a big effect on plants and animals in the natural environment.
We could reduce the rate at which we add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning less coal, oil and natural gas. If climate changes, we could adapt by changing agriculture and other human activities. Many plants and animals in the natural environment might be unable to adapt. If warming is large and costly, some people might want to make changes to the atmosphere or oceans in order to cool the earth. This is very controversial.
By making these changes in the economy we can solve the problem of climate change and in turn save the world.


Stephanie's Blog said...

I think u are conpletely right... I can see you really did some homework on global warming. but the fact that will always remain is us as people need to make changes and so do our govenment.
Vote for Obama!!!!i say lol:)

clementineb said...

Hey I think you are righ about that. It is the government role to revert the current policies in place responsible for global warmimn and especially the heat waves. I like your solutions too because I think that thay could create a lot of jobs in America on the long term.