Monday, October 20, 2008


Blog #4
When you think about the leisure time activities which bring you the most joy and rejuvenation, what are they? Does your leisure time schedule match your priorities? Is there any habit you may want to change so that you get more joy of life?
I believe I watch too much television on my leisure time. I spend about 10hrs a week watching television. I don’t know why but I just enjoy watching TV. after having a hard time at work or coming home from school I just don’t want to think about all that stress of school and work when I come home and the only way I could forget about all work and school is watching some thing that I enjoy on TV. like my shows which is smallville, gossip girls, or heroes or dancing with the stars. Also, I surf the internet a lot mostly when I come home from school or work I mostly go online to do my homework and sometimes chat with my friends, go on my space, or mostly check my emails and sometimes do some shopping. When I think of my leisure time I don’t think it matches my priorities but I would like to cut back on watching TV., I could take that 10hrs and study my notes, or read a book and well I need to get my priorities straight and get myself together instead of thinking I live in a dream world. I work full time and I go to school full time and well I do get stressed out but I think I need to stop spending so much time watching TV. and surfing the internet that much and start studying more. The worst habit I have is a problem with shopping I always end up buying things I really don’t need or going shopping because I am having a bad day.
I really don’t have a leisure time schedule because when I don’t go to school I work all day and the days I don’t work I go to school all day. I spend most of my time at work or school. I used to read before but now I don’t even have the time to do it because I am so busy with school and work I hardly even get the time to do my homework or any studying done. The things I really do enjoy is spending time with my friends, shopping and TV. brings the most joy of them all but most of all I love spending time with my nieces when I get the time. They mean a lot to me but I hardly even see them because most of time I come home from work or school they are mostly sleeping.


Doctor X said...

Good entry, but see if you can use links a bit more. See my blog for a comparison.

Nida said...

I really understand what your going through. The main thing now is that we dont have time because wwe have made our lives sooo busy. I missed the old days when we were young and spend time playing outside or simply reading a book. Wish those care free days were back!

Edward Lam said...

Yes, changing our habit in our diary life is very important. We need to careful how we dispose our garbage. Watching too much TV is bad. We all need to change.

Stephanie's Blog said...

that is true....stress stress stress... and tv n internet is like stress-free time. but im worst than you i watch way more t.v than you lol.
nice entry tho!!

Ovetta said...

I hear you when you say you shop if you are having a bad day or you buy things you don't need. I have the same problem I had it under control but relaspe since I started school shopping calm me down.