Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My blogging experience was really cool and interesting because I’ve never done blogging before and I’ve completed almost 10 of the blogs even though it was not always on time. This experience was very different and challenging to me because I had to get my blog posted before the deadline on Tuesday at 8 am but that deadline helped me complete each one of my blog.
1. I believe working with the blog was very easy to me because I get to express how I feel about certain issues or a specific topic which I never did before it was kind of weird doing the blogs but at the same time kind of interesting and fun. The technology never messed up on me at any point and the important part and the fun part of all this is that I get to express my feelings freely without anyone telling me what to do.
2. Writing each entry was painless to me because I already had access to a computer all that was left to do is brainstorming my ideas. I thought writing 250 words would be hard and I guess I was worried about coming up with so much information to put in my blog but when I started typing all the ideas just came naturally.
3. I guess sometimes it was difficult to meet the deadline if we didn't do the blog earlier and we waited the last minute which was Monday then it was easier to forget on that day so I would say it was kind of difficult. I don’t think the comments was difficult because you allow us to do it the first 10 to 15 minutes of class so I guess that did help. No, I don’t think there would be a better way to set up a deadline. I definitely think there should be a deadline because it gives you more motivation to do the blogs.
4. I thought it was fun reading other classmates blogs and what they wrote was very interesting I guess i learn a lot from my classmates and their great blogs. Actually I didn’t really learn anything special just that there are really great blogs that our classmates wrote and there blogs were very interesting. I believe the comments were very useful and helpful, also it encourage me more to write and see what my classmates would think of my blog.
5. In eng 101, 102, and 103 I did a lot of writing but this blogging beats it off because it makes it worth writing about and we really had some interesting topics to write about.
6. I don’t know if I would keep on blogging by myself because without knowing what to write about and without any deadlines I guess laziness would kick in. But I’ll try to do it once in awhile just so I could feel free like writing in a journal having my own little space.
HOSE NOSE CANDY is one of the dumbest (and grossest) candies I have ever seen. It's a plastic nose filled with -- there's no other way to say this -- liquid, candy snot.
Now, that alone makes it a Stupid Candy. But Hose Nose Candy takes it much FURTHER...The nose has straps in each side and an indented area on the inside of the nose. So you're actually able to strap the thing over your ears and WEAR IT over your real nose.You eat the candy by unplugging the nostril and squeezing the liquid candy snot onto your outstretched tongue.
Bugs are probably the last thing on this entire earth that you want your kids picking up and eating. The Cockroach Bites look just like real cockroaches, so this candy can truly creep you out. I found that the crunchy outer layer to this candy is the most disturbing, because it makes you feel like you're actually eating a big crunchy bug. How gross is that? The only thing missing is this little treat scuttling across flat surfaces and hiding in the dark corners of your home. Yuck!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Rattle snake for a christmas gift. But, does it get any stranger than giving real, living animals? Even though the holidays can be a lonely time for many, some people may not want this much company.
This elmo gift shouldn't be available to kids i dont even understand why the stores sells it and why people even buy it for their kids. Anyways i think this elmo probably used an awful lot of batteries and battery contains mercury which is very harmful for our environment. If you dont discard the battery properly it can cause danger to ourselves and the plants and animals around us.
Cactus teddy bear. Why would someone buy a cactus teddy bear for a child is beyond me. That's the worst gift someone could give a child. i just can't believe department stores sell these stuff its just ridiculous and we are the people who are stupid enough to go out and waste our money on things that are not even worth buying. We should use our money wisely than go and waste it on a piece of junk.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What really caught my eye is the solar hybrid car if we use solar power for a vehicle we would be able to run the air conditioning which would have a dramatic effect on fuel economy and other electrical parts. By using less gas we could use the power of the sun to reduce our automobiles consumption of gas and we would be able to save our environment. Also it shows that aircraft could be responsible for global warming produced by trips to different countries. By spending our vacation and weekend time for different activities can save our environment. Also what seems interesting is the solar homes in Toronto that’s installing installation in there homes and “harnessing the sun including solar photovoltaic systems to produce electricity and solar thermal water-heating" Also I like the cottage living of how you can go green without paying more if you live in a cottage. That going green you don’t need to be expensive that you can use supplies from home depot and recyclable materials from your relatives.
My favorite part in this blog give you a couple of ways of reducing pollution that government could passed laws to stop some of activities that are danger to our environment, dirty habitats that our animals live in can be cleaned up. We should buy supplies or products that are less polluting to our environment and we should stop using public transport because it pollutes the air more. The other part in my reading is showing how the rainforest in Brazil are cut down for cattle ranching which destroy the soil. Ranchers cut down and burnt rainforests to grow grass for cattle and all of these causes environmental damage.
So I was searching for really great blogs and website on something that is really green or something on saving the environment and I did not come up with anything that really caught my attention. So I said to myself here goes another blog being late. I found two blogs it’s not all that great I hope you find it interesting maybe its not all that but it is well written and has plenty of information on how we can save the environment. The pictures are really great on what you can do to save the environment and how we can build homes for ourselves without paying more and also going green.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
At first, I was frustrated that we had to do an oral presentation infront of the class to tell you the honest truth I have done oral presentation infront of class many times but I always end up getting so nervous and I start to stutter and my heart starts to beat a lot faster than usual and I screw up on my presentation but I guess this presentation went alright.
On Thursday I learn so much about different religions such as Hindusim, Daoism, Judaism, Buddhism and Islam. I learn so much things on all of the presentations. For example, I had to do research on Islam to tell you the honest truth I didn’t know much about this religion and well when I started to research this topic I learned so much like how in Islam they prohibit the cruel killing of animals and if you do kill animals you have to say a sacred prayer before you perfom any animals ritual.Also they don’t believe in no god but Allah.I thought it was really cool how in Islam that all muslims should plant a tree and respect all animals. Animals are to be killed in a certain way to cause the least amount of pain possible. In Hinduism, you are prohibited to kill any cows because the cow is our sacred animal that we pray to and it cannot be harm. Also, in Hiduism they believe in so many gods and they cant pollute. Daiosm focuses mostly on balance. Also, it says about how people shouldn’t be selfish that we should respect, care and maintain the environment so our generations can be able to use it and they don’t believe in any god. Buddhism is all about teaching us to live in peace and harmony with nature but this all comes within ourselves. It was so interesting to learn that all of the religions care a lot about the environment because over all we all want the best for the environment.Above all I think everyone did a really great job some slides were more interesting than others but overall everyone had alot of informations to share with us about their religions. I think all religions shows how we should love, care, and respect our environment. I think it’s a good thing to learn about other kinds of religions so then you woouldn’t be so selfish and think your religion is superior to others you should have an open mind that all religion might be different but whatever your religion is it shows how it wants us to protect the environment and treat it with respect and love for animals and plants.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Blog #6
I haven't fully thought about this research topic on Iraq but i think I want to do my paper on the environmental racism in Iraq. I feel that it’s a very important topic that people would be able to see how oil is really damaging the environment and polluting the air how soldiers in Iraq are in danger from toxic chemicals, yet most don't know what they've been exposed to or where to get help. I think I could find as much information on this topic because I believe Iraq is one of those countries that have the most pollution and contained resources that we are bound to find out about. But I still have to narrow my search to one specific area of Iraq. Even though these are not my only sources because I will need more sites but these articles are the ones I mostly would be focusing on.
My first resource is coming from a website dealing with war on Iraq.
My second resource will be Oil Well Fires and Spills in the 1991 Gulf War.
My third resource news from the Washington file
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wow I never thought I would see such shocking pictures of wastes that we the consumer created.
According to Chris Jordan statement “ Collectively we are committing a vast and unsustainable act of taking, but we each are anonymous and no one is in charge or accountable for the consequences. I fear that in this process we are doing irreparable harm to our planet and to our individual spirits.”
“As an American consumer myself, I am in no position to finger wag; but I do know that when we reflect on a difficult question in the absence of an answer, our attention can turn inward, and in that space may exist the possibility of some evolution of thought or action.”
This statement is saying how we really have damage the environment of causing so much waste like Chris Jordan included in his artwork with those dolls, cell phones, and plastic bags that we tremendously waste. We the people are the ones that should be blame for all this because we always end up buying things we don’t need that’s very wasteful if a new cell phones comes out and even if we have one we will throw that away or put it aside just to go buy a new cell phone with different features. Like dolls for example our kids have plenty of dolls and if they see a new type of doll on tv that has a different kind of style they would cried for it and throw the old ones aside or garbage it and just to please them we will buy the newest dolls that comes out we really need to stop all this wastefulness and when we are finish with environment it would be such a mess and we will regret it so much. I believe we are the ones that needs to stop destroying our planet we are causing the global warming effects because we are the ones consuming to waste of the environment. Plus those plastic bags we use at grocery stores we need to start taking our own bags to shop with at supermarkets because all of those plastic bags are destroying our environment because when we are finish with them we just throw them in the garbage and sometimes we don’t even recycle them. I admit that I do that because I work in a supermarket and I am the ones that’s bagging your stuff which mostly people wants extra plastic bags so their grocery wouldn’t fall out but that’s terrible because we are the ones causing the ruins of our environment and polluting the air with our garbage.
Monday, October 20, 2008
When you think about the leisure time activities which bring you the most joy and rejuvenation, what are they? Does your leisure time schedule match your priorities? Is there any habit you may want to change so that you get more joy of life?
I believe I watch too much television on my leisure time. I spend about 10hrs a week watching television. I don’t know why but I just enjoy watching TV. after having a hard time at work or coming home from school I just don’t want to think about all that stress of school and work when I come home and the only way I could forget about all work and school is watching some thing that I enjoy on TV. like my shows which is smallville, gossip girls, or heroes or dancing with the stars. Also, I surf the internet a lot mostly when I come home from school or work I mostly go online to do my homework and sometimes chat with my friends, go on my space, or mostly check my emails and sometimes do some shopping. When I think of my leisure time I don’t think it matches my priorities but I would like to cut back on watching TV., I could take that 10hrs and study my notes, or read a book and well I need to get my priorities straight and get myself together instead of thinking I live in a dream world. I work full time and I go to school full time and well I do get stressed out but I think I need to stop spending so much time watching TV. and surfing the internet that much and start studying more. The worst habit I have is a problem with shopping I always end up buying things I really don’t need or going shopping because I am having a bad day.
I really don’t have a leisure time schedule because when I don’t go to school I work all day and the days I don’t work I go to school all day. I spend most of my time at work or school. I used to read before but now I don’t even have the time to do it because I am so busy with school and work I hardly even get the time to do my homework or any studying done. The things I really do enjoy is spending time with my friends, shopping and TV. brings the most joy of them all but most of all I love spending time with my nieces when I get the time. They mean a lot to me but I hardly even see them because most of time I come home from work or school they are mostly sleeping.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Worst Aspect of Global Warming: Climate Change.
We are at a major point in our life where if we don't dramatically change our ways, then we won't be able to reverse the effects of climate change. Global Warming is a serious issue faced by the world today. I believe the most important global problem is the dramatic increase in temperature around the world. For example, such changing of high temperatures will cause the melting of glaciers leading to a shortage of water. The climate change will cause the extinction of species. I think global warming is very likely to come about unless we dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
I think you and I both know that humans have contributed to the extra abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We know this because we keep track of all the pollution we released. Climate change is occurring now, and is already affecting our natural environment, and our quality of life. But, there are solutions for addressing the crisis. We need business and government leaders at all levels to help adopt policies and practices now that will enable America to switch to energy sources with zero carbon emissions. By making this switch will generate millions of good American jobs, cut energy costs and protect the climate. We should act together to help America make the switch that will stop climate change. Re-powering America means that individuals, elected officials, and business and community leaders must take action to quickly switch to clean energy, curbing carbon emissions and helping to solve the climate challenge. The most important thing we can do to help fight climate change is:
At Home
Turn down the heat and air conditioning when you aren't home. Choose energy efficient appliances. Because they use less energy, energy star appliances like refrigerators can reduce carbon pollution, and have a big impact on your energy bill.
Warm up your home with insulation.
Change your home's air filters.
Switch to green power. It is likely that most of the electricity you use comes from non-renewable sources like coal. However, there are some utilities that will sell you climate-friendly electricity like wind, biomass, or solar if you ask for it.
Take public transportation. One of the best ways to reduce your impact on the climate is to take a public bus, subway or train instead of driving. Go ride a bike or take a walk. Not only is riding a bike or walking is a climate change it’s a friendly way to commute, it's good for your health, too. A large or fast change in climate will have a big effect on plants and animals in the natural environment.
We could reduce the rate at which we add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning less coal, oil and natural gas. If climate changes, we could adapt by changing agriculture and other human activities. Many plants and animals in the natural environment might be unable to adapt. If warming is large and costly, some people might want to make changes to the atmosphere or oceans in order to cool the earth. This is very controversial.
By making these changes in the economy we can solve the problem of climate change and in turn save the world.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Blog #2
My passion is becoming a doctor one day and to prove everyone else wrong who said I can’t do it. Ever since I was a little girl in Guyana I always wanted to be a doctor to help others and cure sickness because I always like seeing people smile and enjoy their lives. I am currently attending LaGuardia Community College majoring in liberal arts math and science and after I get my associate degree I planned to attend hunter college to get my bachelors degree in pre-medicine. Back in high school I volunteer in a hospital for two years feeding patients, talking to them, and watching them take their medicines and so on I then realize at that same moment I had made up my mind to major in pre-medicine. I know a lot of people try to put you down and tell you that its very hard but I had this one teacher called Mr.Fermet in medical technology he taught us to believe in ourselves and don’t care what other people think as long you believe in yourself and you work as hard as you possible you can achieve the American dream of becoming who you want to be and to succeed in life and don’t let anyone tell u that you can’t succeed as long you have determination and dedication you can do it. I am very grateful to Mr. Gore for making us realize how we affect the environment and making us well aware of how we can save the environment and how we can avoid harming it. When I saw the movie of an Inconvenient Truth and listened to Mr. Gore’s passion towards the environment I realize that’s how I feel about medicine and of curing diseases that affects us and diseases that killed many people in the United States and all of the world and if we can at least find cures or treat it we can save many lives all over the world .I have learned you never know where inspirations can come.
Blog 1
While brainstorming I don’t think I do much for my environment because I am always on the computer wasting light. I take the train to school and work everyday but at least it saving fuel instead of polluting the air so much. I buy coffee everyday in a plastic foam cup which I could be making it in a class bottle and taking it to work. But I do recycle my cans and my bottles. I take out the garbage all the time in my house. I do take recycle bags to shop for my groceries at supermarket instead of using supermarket plastic bags so I definitely think that’s saving the environment. From now on I will try to do as much as I can for the enviroment to make tomorrow a greener environment a place where we can care for and enjoy living in our surroundings. I believe not only America but all over the world should start taking care of our environment by leading its people for a greener environment and therefore we can use it as an example to lead the world for a better place to live in. From the vending machines at school we have a whole bunch of plastic bottle we should be using bottle instead of damaging out environment with all those plastic bottle in vending machines.
By thinking about all this recycling I really don’t think I do much for my environment because I leave the water on when I brush my teeth in the morning and at night instead I could be saving water by turning the water off when I am brushing my teeth. If we don’t change our habit our own people are going to suffer the consequences. So please do whatever you can for the environment to make it as greener as our environment can be.